Monday, July 23, 2018

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game
July 23, 2018

     It seems our whole family is playing a waiting game of some kind today. I sit quietly here in the waiting room of the MDAnderson waiting for my Mike to finish his fluid injection. Our Graddaughter, Kortney and Cody, are waiting in the Flagstaff Hospital for their new baby to arrive. Her parents and all the rest of the Seaman clan are waiting by their phones for his arrival also. Heaven feels so close! I so wish I could have a peek in the spirit world and witness all the good-byes going on about now for our new baby boy! 
      My Mikie has been is the hospital for the last ten days. His kidneys DID NOT like his last go-round of chemo. It is still a waiting game to get him straightened out so he can begin the next round. I have to record how mind numbing these past days have been.  A big part of fighting this cancer is the mind game. It has been such a blessing for me to leave every night and sleep at Jessica and Jordy’s house. Their boys have been so kind to give up their bed and room to us. 
      As a young child I remember my Grandad Lester Ozment sitting in the chair doing the daily crossword puzzle from the newspaper. My mom used to sit on the couch and do them occasionally also. I have thought so much of them as I have worked several crossword puzzles while waiting in the hospital with my Mikie. Crosswords, embroidering, simple crocheting, reading, walking, and typing my dad’s journal have been my sanity. Today, I was reminded that TV became the rage up in Show Low at Christmas time 1958. My dad wrote that he sold two sets on the entry day of Dec 23. 
     So, for now, I continue to wait. This little adventure has been a blessing for both of us. We both realize over and over that we will wait for each other. Anytime. Anywhere. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

“I Like Mike” night

Moving Forward

July 14, 2018

      The month of June passed as if we were in a dream. Mike took his chemo well. His biggest complaint was the fatigue. He slept most of his month away. It seemed that while he napped I would paint trim. He would jump up and put a few more pieces everyday. He really wanted to get our house as "settled" as he could before we headed down to the valley for his further cancer treatment.
     It is July 14. My dad's birthday. He would have been 86. Isn't that amazing? We are spending his birthday here in the Banner MDAnderson hospital in Gilbert. We are waiting for Mike's kidney numbers to cooperate. His counts have been high and there is a concern as to why. It may be because of his multiple myeloma and the heavy chemo drugs not getting along. If his numbers do not look better by Monday, a kidney biopsy will be ordered. I still have great faith that all will be well. He has been so strong and done so well.
     Before we left Show Low to come down here for a long haul our girls threw us a "I Like Mike" party. The week before the get together, we were both almost sick about it. Who would come? Why would they come? We so hoped someone would show up since the girls put so much work into it. Yet, we hoped no one would. Isn't that just silly? It seemed a long week to both of us. Friday night came and the party was wonderful! All I could compare it to was Heaven. We saw so many friends we had not seen for a long while. We have continually thought of that fun evening and will be forever grateful for our girls and all their work.