Monday, March 9, 2015

Book of Mormon Stories that my Teacher Tells to me....

Book of Mormon Stories that my Teacher Tells to me....

 March 8, 2015

     The Book of Mormon, a musical is coming to Kansas City. Some of you may have heard of it. Apparently, it has some catchy tunes in it. As always, when the Church is drawn into the spotlight in a derogatory way, our leaders issue kind, polite statements. I love that about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In January the whole KC area began a blitz to spread the word about the book, The Book of Mormon. There was a day of members going on splits with missionaries, followed by another push that was held yesterday. Members were encouraged to post on their facebook or Instagram account pictures of them with missionaries. You can see some of our missionaries at #KCMISSIONARYSPLIT.
     It worked out that I could go with the two young sisters who live across the hall from us and also, another young girl in our ward named Mariah Mullanazi.  Her whole family was baptized two weeks ago. McKenzie, she reminds me of you. She is a sophomore and she has a "smoky" voice like yours. I was so impressed to be hanging around with real missionaries that do real missionary work and this young teenage girl. Sister Prior and Sister Pistorius don't let any grass grow under their feet. We marched all around Hawthorne Heights knocking on doors. Now, this is a scary place. The sisters can only go to doors of names given to them by the elders or ward members and they can only go in daylight hours. We didn't have much luck as we waited to go see Daisy, a young single mom who they are teaching the discussions to. Daisy is poor. Her phone had been shut off due to nonpayment. She struggles to read. But she kept a clean little apartment and was wishing we all could have a cup of water or tea together.  The gospel concepts are so new to her. She has a long way to go but she kept saying she wanted "more" for her son.
     The whole day made me so thankful for bold, brave young sisters who leave the world to spread the good news of the gospel. Could I do it day in and day out? Could I answer when a young single mom says, "How do you pronounce that man's name, Ne fee?" It was Nephi. How about when I am asked, "I read about this Holy Ghost. What is his job?" Those young sisters covered it all so well. Mariah bore her testimony about the change the gospel has made in her life. I think her and her family will make it.
     So, my girls, keep telling and reading your kids those Book of Mormon stories. They will be their lifeline. It may save them some day to know that Jesus Christ visited the Americas because he loved those people and he loves them. The stories are real. They are true.

"The Book of Mormon, the musical, might entertain you for a night, but the Book of Mormon will change your life through Jesus Christ."
                                                     Our church's statement about this musical.

Love you all,
Sister Seaman

Do it now...

     Spring has sprung this week in Independence.  The high temperature the last three days has been in the high sixties.  Just a day or two before that, the high was 18.  Nothing is green yet, but at these temps it can't be long. The windows in our apartment are open as I write this blog.  It makes me homesick!
     For the last several months, in fact since we got here,  I have been very busy.  Driving and delivering furniture and stuff to missionaries.  I am now finally caught up.  But what now?  I really liked being busy.  The time went by real fast.  I was tired at night.  I am scared that things may change now.  Too much time to think is not good for me.
     We have a visiting General Authority this next week.  He is coming to do a mission tour.  We will have to be on our best behavior.   He wants to meet the mission office staff for 30 minutes.  I wonder what he will say to a bunch of old senior missionaries. "Thanks???"    Oh well.
     I want my children and grandchildren to know something.  You better be teaching the gospel in your homes and you better be doing it on a regular basis.  I am afraid that if you don't, you will be facing some heartbreaking times ahead.  Read them the scripture stories.  Bear your testimonies to them.  Do everything you can to give them strength, courage, and convictions of the truth.  Do not put it off anymore.  Do it now.

Elder Seaman
L to R.  Sisters Pistorius, Prior, Mariah, Seaman.

Spring has sprung! The windows are open!
Spring on the Muddy Missouri

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how happy I am that spring is coming for you guys. I really feel like it will make things easier. It's ok to be homesick. Just remind yourself to enjoy independence now cause it will be over before you know it.
    I cringe when I'm reminded to do better to be teaching my kids the bofm stories only because I know I need to be better at it. So thank you again for the reminder. Love you guys!
