Monday, October 5, 2015

Conference Sunday

Conference Sunday

October 4, 2015

      It has been a cool, Fall day here in Missouri on this October Conference Sunday. We have spent the day with Addie, Eric, Zane, and Max.  We have made our mission tour of the church history sites with a stop in the Liberty Stake Center for Sunday morning session.  It has been a wonderful, historical conference.  Now, who doesn't say those very words every 6 months when conference is over? It has been especially eventful for us with the Gaylord family here
      Each time we have a daughter and her husband come to visit, we marvel at their little families and love to watch their specific family dynamics. This little family is easy to enjoy.  The two boys scuffle like puppy dogs in the back seat, Addie directs everyone's activities, and Eric drives and let's her do it. But tonight, they are tired. We are tired. So, I am posting for the Seaman companionship. I just add a final amen to the things we have seen and heard this weekend. Amen.
     I want to also direct a final word to our six daughters - Mauriah, Kirsten, Jessica, Lindsay, Addie, and Caitlin. My heart was thankful and full today for all of you. Your efforts at goodness.  I thought of all of you when Elder Russell M. Nelson spoke of the women of the church and proclaimed to all that you are the women that President Kimball saw as distinct and different in happy ways from the rest of the world. Elder Nelson also proclaimed that you must have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ . Nothing is more crucial to you than your own conversion. He asked that we women step forward. Rise to our full stature.
     So my daughters, I say......I am in. I want to do it. I am going to trust in the doctrine of Christ. I am going to be happy. I will take my rightful and needful place. How about it? It can only be happy and complete with you there. You and your husbands and your beautiful children along with my favorite elder.  Let's get the job done.

My love to all my darlings,
Mom....aka Sister Seaman

P.S.  Elder Seaman is fine. He will be back in the saddle next week.


  1. It was a grand time to be with you guys in independence! Thank you both for being such great tour guides. Love you both!

  2. I look forward and love reading your blog each week! You are one of my greatest examples and I love you so much Aunt Kim. And that Uncle Mike is a great one himself. Have a great day!
