Monday, May 21, 2018

Mother's Day in America

Mother's Day in America

May 13, 2018

     It's Mother's Day. We have been celebrating with our girls. That has been the main highlight of being home. To see our girls and their families. We've been home three weeks now. Much has changed in our lives. Highlights we want and ought to remember. They will come in handy through the next months when My Mikie is sick and down.

*We bought a house on our second full day of being home. It was the first house we looked at and we knew it had potential. We could make it our own. Ten minutes after our daughter, Lindsay, made the verbal offer to the realtor, he called back with somewhat of an amazed "Yes".  He told her that first, he was amazed the owner answered on the first ring as she is very hard to get ahold of. He also told her that he knew he could get more out of the house this summer. We took it as a sign that the Lord was aware of us and our situation. How long can old grandparents live in their daughter's basement? We were in the house in nine days. That's right - nine days.

*It is now May 20 - a week later. After a series of many appointments and tests, my Mikie begins his chemo treatments this week. It is a week of dread, yet a week that we are so glad is finally here. We (he) have frantically been working on this house to get it on order. We don't know what to expect. We are hoping his first series of treatments bring only tiredness - not nausea. We are expecting hairloss during this first six weeks of treatment. That is a minor issue if it saves his life. After his first series of six weeks of treatment, we will be in the valley with him staying in MDAnderson hospital.  He has to be closely monitored as this chemo will be heavy duty. After that will come his stem cell transplant. Doesn't that sound painful, yet wonderful at the same time?

*When we met with Dr. Ulrichson in Gilbert and he was going over the process, Mike asked, "I feel good right now. Why would I want to make myself sick?" He replied with, "If you don't make your self sick, you will be dead in a year or a year and a half". That got our attention. He will do this and I will be his best cheerleader. The Lord has been so very kind to us since Mike was diagnosed with this. We have been led to good care - starting with Dr. Thakkar here in the White Mountains. We had big plans to go to MDAnderson in Houston when we began this adventure. We tried and tried to get our ducks in a row but it always seemed there was one glitch after another. Finally, in desperation, we knew we had to start somewhere, so we started here at home. It was a tender blessing when we walked into Dr. Thakkar's office and met with him.

*Mike asked Norliss McKay for a blessing when we returned from England. Mike has always loved and respected Norliss as a boss and friend. As is typical of Norliss, he fasted and prayed for the Lord to put words in his mouth that would be a comfort and a guide for MIke and I at this time. As we walked into the McKay's simple, immaculate home, it radiated with peace and love. There was such a calming spirit there. As he began the blessing, we knew the Lord was aware of both of us. We were given sacred words of wisdom and led to know that this experience is designed for further growth for Mike in his spiritual journey back to Home.  We were told to enjoy this time. When it is put like that, I am determined to help Mike all I can. Our girls and their families were also blessed as they watch their dad go through this. We honor and revere Brother McKay for his willingness and worthiness to do this for us - yet again.

*Our girls and their families have been our angels since we got home. They have all in their own way done things for us that we could not have possibly done alone. Helping us buy houses;  acquiring cars; remodeling walls, closets, and floors....the list goes on and on. We will be forever indebted to all of them.

So for now, I say, let the journey begin. The Lord is in charge. He knows and loves my boy. I fully trust in Him and His Son. There is no where else we need to turn at this time.

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