Sunday, February 25, 2018

Tammy Brewer made a visiting teaching visit to London.  We were so
glad to see her.

Four Week Temple Shutdown

Four Week Temple Shutdown

February 25, 2018

     The London Temple has officially closed its doors for a four week shutdown. The carpark (parking lot) was plumb full yesterday as the patrons came for one last time. Brother Browne, a local member who attends the temple often told me this week that it is going to be a "rough slog" for him and his wife while it is closed.  I learned this means it is going to be a long haul for them.
     The Blackbadge Missionaries have been assigned to work two of the four weeks in an area, whether it be in the laundry, cleaning chandeliers, reception desk sitting while workers come and go, etc. Our dream came true. We were assigned to work in the gardens. We finally will experience that FM mission that we thought we were going on back in Missouri.  Even if this month of March is predicted to be the coldest the UK has experienced in years, we are looking forward to being outside and wearing pants (or trousers as they say over here).
     Our lodge is quiet today as many of the English missionaries have gone to their various homes throughout the country. They are called "whitebadge missionaries" and are not required to stay and work.
     After sacrament today, we took the train into London to meet Tammy Brewer and her daughter Kara for lunch. Oh, it was so good to see them! We found a little café and parked ourselves in the corner for a couple of hours and just talked. It was so comforting to me to see them. They are Home to me. Tammy promised to hug any daughter or grandchild she sees when she gets back. I'm counting on her to do it. It was a beautiful sunny cold day. As we rode the train back to Lingfield, the sun followed us. The scenery changed from city and people everywhere to small villages to bright green fields with grazing sheep. My Mikie slept off and on, a couple across the aisle were quietly speaking in a foreign tongue, the sheep rolled by and I again caught myself wondering how in the world we ended up over here so far from Home. It has been such a time of growth for both of us as we try to figure out the lessons the Lord is trying to teach us. We are so thankful for the opportunity.

Love from both of us!
Elder and Sister Seaman......My Mikie is in bed. We leave for Paris at 12:30 AM to go to the temple! More to come.....


Monday, February 19, 2018

Hi and Bye Social. We said Good bye to our dear friends, Brother and Sister Allen. They’ve worked here three years and looking for a home close by the Temple. Sister Lydia St. John is going home on the train to Kingston. She is from Jamaica but has lived here for over twenty years. She talks and laughs just like a Jamaican should, with a British accent.

The London Temple

The London Temple in its Heyday

February 19, 2018

     A sister waiting to do some work this week in the temple told me s story. Many years ago her and her husband were called to be "Team Leaders" to work one Friday night a month. Now, Friday night means ALL Friday night. They drove several hours from their home and took over from the Late shift at 9:00 pm. They worked through the night running the temple for patrons. She tells of busloads of Saints who would pull in at 2:00 in the morning from Portugal or Spain or......anywhere on the western side of Europe. These faithful people would climb off the bus and do temple work until the temple closed on Saturday evening.
    As for these British Saints who were called to man the temple, their shift would end at 6:00 AM on Saturday morning. They then make their way home after a long night. She tells of a time when her husband could not make the trip so she was responsible for driving her and an old man from their ward. Brother Hatt was 92 and had false teeth. He was sleeping in the back seat of her car. Driving down the freeway, she almost ran into a big lorry (truck). She swerved all over the road before ending up safely on the side.
     After returning home and taking a long nap, she went out to clean her car. She found a pair of false teeth on the floor in the back. She called Brother Hatt and asked if he was missing something. There was nothing he could think of. After further quizzing the old brother, she asked about his teeth. "Oh those things. I only wear them on Sunday and when I go to the temple." She did return them before Sunday School the next day. Now, isn't this just a cute story than anyone can sink their teeth into?

All is well at the London Temple,
Sister Seaman.....aka Mom and Grams

When a day is a "Monkey's Birthday", that means there is a bit of every season in the weather - rain, wind, snow, clouds, sun. I feel like we've had lots of Monkeys Birthdays since we landed over here.

The Sentinel

     There is a large black crow that lives around here somewhere.  I have named him "The Sentinel."  Every morning, almost always before sun-up, and mostly through-out the day, he is sitting on the very highest branch of the very tallest tree in our backyard.  He is often looking to the south and this is in wind and rain and sunshine.  He appears to be watching for something.  I can not imagine what, but whatever it is, it must be important.  There is something about the way he sits and watches, that appears to be like a watchman on the tower.  I know that he watching for something, you can see it.
     It makes me think of times, thousands of years ago, probably near this place in England, where I am writing this blog, that there was a Sentinel on a Roman tower or a Druid Tower or Celtic's tower or somebody's tower, watching for the enemy and shouting out a warning upon their approach. It gave people some time to prepare for attack.  The Sentinel's duty is to warn.  He duty is sacred. He cannot make a mistake.  He must be ever vigilant.  No matter the weather, time of day or any other distraction.  People's lives depend on him.  For the most part, this would be a very boring duty, hour after hour of nothing to report, but when it comes he must be ready.
     It reminds me of the admonition in the Book of Mormon of how we all need to be watchman on the tower and warn our neighbors of impending danger.  Or the Prophet, shouting out a warning to us.  Or maybe even a father or grandfather or great-grandfather, shouting out a warning to his family.  Can I shout out a warning to you?  The enemy is at the gate.  He is strong, dangerous and very deadly.  Now is not the time to stray from the safety of the church.  I don't care what else you do, but keep your eye fixed on the prophet of the church and do exactly what he asks you to do.  To second guess him or ignore him is sure death.  Listen for the warning, don't get distracted and there is plenty to distract you.  Do the things that we know that we should be doing.  Prayers, home evenings, service, sacrament meeting attendance, temple attendance and activities to keep your family close.  If you do these things, and others that will be ask of you, you and your family can be safe.
     The Sentinel sitting high up in the tree can see the danger coming.  Listen for his warning.

Elder Seaman

Monday, February 12, 2018

Imperial War Museum,  An authentic piece of the Berlin Wall.

Imperial War Museum.  Piece of a statue of Saddam Hussein,
now deceased dictator of Iraq.

Imperial War Museum.  Structural steel from the Twin Towers that
was hit by terrorists on Sept. 11th.

Imperial War Museum.  Our friend, Jim Whitehouse, Temple assistant
recorder.  He was a former Specials Forces Airborne soldier and a very
decorated one.  He said that the mannequin on the right is exactly how
he dressed when in the service. In fact, this part of the museum was dedicated
to his unit.

Selfie in front of an old English warplane.

Little Blessings

Little Blessings

February 11, 2018 (Our Noah's birthday!)

     We have been on Earlies this week and I have had to be in extra early as I was coordinating Initiatory. As I have aged, Sleep can be an elusive Thing. If I know I am expected somewhere at an early hour, I will sleep with one eye open. Or so it seems, When morning time finally arrived and I dragged out of bed, I had to ask Heavenly Father for extra blessings. I was so tired. I felt I needed assurance that what I was doing was worthwhile. Are there really angels up there cheering me on? I asked for those angels daily for our family. Now, I needed one.
      I got my day moving along and sisters were coming and going. Sister Basten is a periodic worker with a strong English accent. She has become my friend. There was no one in the area when she was leaving. She started out the door and then came back in. She said, "Can I give you a hug?" I opened my arms and this little lady took me in for a long, tender hug. I felt a deep impression that this was from my mom. It caught me so off guard.
     Later, in the morning, the area had quieted down with just three sisters working with one patron who had come in to do some work. I could hear the murmurings. I walked closer and stood outside to listen. I heard one American accent and two English accents pronouncing blessings. I felt a deep impression again that this little quiet time was a gift so I could be reminded of the work that is going on in this beautiful temple. Again, I was caught off guard. That same day, my friend, Lynn Baker, popped in to my area with a big basket of chocolate just to say Hello and that she was back for the week. How she hauled it in, I'll never know. Who does that? Another little blessing.
    The next morning, Sister Baker came back by. She asked again where I was from. After I told her AZ, she replied, "Oh, I had a companion from Show Low, AZ many years ago in my mission".  After I blubbered around a bit she told me her name was Lafawn Smith, now Lafawn Wilcock, and she had visited her in Show Low in the 80's. The rest of the next two days, when I ran into Sister Baker, she wanted to tell me another story about this sweet, naïve sister from AZ and all the fun they had. I just have to giggle when I think about the two of them together. In my mind, Lafawn Wilcock is truly the example of All Good All The Time. Isn't this a fun story?

Feeling Blessed this week,
Sister Seaman.....aka Mom and Grams

*telephonist - guess what these girls do for a job.....answer the phone
*concessions - people over 60 get in on consessions in museums. Not sure why. Thinking they    should   add a bag of popcorn or something along those lines.

Imperial Air Museum

     We went out to the Imperial War Museum today.  It is several miles north of London in Duxford and is a WWII airfield. It's hangers house some of the finest restored aircraft in the world. There were restored airplanes of all sorts and shapes and age; and not only war planes.  There was one of the Concord Commercial Jets in one of the hangers.  It was huge and could haul many passengers.  The record time painted on the side of the aircraft was 2 hours and 53 minutes from East coast of America to West coast of England.  Awesome.
     There was an SR-71 Blackbird.  The spy plane for the US.  It was huge also and appeared to be a huge fuel tank with wings and a pilot and it was black.
     There was a B-52 strato bomber, P-51 Mustang fighters. Corsairs, Spitfires, F-15 Eagle, Phantoms and hundreds of others.  Many of which are still air worthy. 
     The US had a huge presence here during WWII.  There was an entire hanger dedicated to the American planes.  I was so proud of us.
     From 1942 to 2018 is 76 years.  During that 76 years, the technology, materials and construction processes have given us dramatic improvements in air warfare.  It was incredible to see how far we have come.
     If was a dictator in some country of the world, I would be very afraid to offend the US.  We can be very intimidating and deadly.
    So, as of today, I am so thankful for being able to live in the USA and know that God will protect us and watch over us as long as we live like we should.
     To my children,  all you need to do is travel around in the world a little bit and you can see that the USA has so many advantages over the rest of the world.  It has truly been blessed.  I know there are some who don't think we are doing that great anymore and in some areas I would agree.  You need to do everything in your power to preserve our way of life or we will lose it.  And it won't be from an outside source, it will be from within.
     God bless America.

Elder Seaman


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Our friends at the Break-the-Fast table after church.  From left to right;
Elder and Sister Guenther from Canada, Sister Dockerty from England,
Sister Dutoit from South Africa and Sister Long from Colorado.

Edward, the temple gardener, with a dead owl that he found on
the Temple grounds.  Edward has become one of our special
friends.  You cannot meet a more loving boy.


February 4, 2018

   Contrary to my own opinion, I realize the Gospel is not truer or the people finer in Arizona. But man, I love that place. It is Home. The sunsets, the mountains, the deserts, the Sunshine......the changing seasons in the mountains, the people.
   Sister Cooper came through Initiatory this week. I could tell by her accent that she was American. I later asked her and she said she was, but now lived in Ireland. She married an Irish man this past year, but they will be going back to America in the next two or three years. I asked her why. "The sunshine is calling me".  Oh, I know what she meant! It turns out that she is from Flagstaff and Les (Mike's brother) was her dentist. She tells me that Ireland is green and beautiful, but there is a price for all that green and beautiful - it rains and rains and is dark. I have thought so much about that. Isn't Heavenly Father so kind to all of us? We all learn to adapt to our surroundings, whatever they may be. The Irish don't miss the sun as much as an AZ girl does - they aren't used to seeing it almost everyday. 
    The day after meeting Sister Cooper, two bouncy young girls came in together and asked me where the dressing room was. I told them and then asked if they were American. "Oh yes, we are. We are both from Arizona". One was from Gilbert and one from Tucson. One young sister told me that she had just visited the Snowflake Temple before she came over here two weeks ago. Well, she instantly became a celebrity in my eyes. When I look at young girls like these two and Sister Cooper, my mind goes to my granddaughters. I can't help but kiss them on the cheek.
     My heart is at Home in AZ this week. Our dear Dan, Kirsten's husband, will be giving a kidney to his friend.  We have faith that all will be well. We were told in our blessing before we left that angels would attend our family. I am so visual. What does that look like? How will our loved ones feel and know that blessing in their daily lives?  Will our Kortney feel comfort as she carries a new baby? Will Kenz feel it living on her own in Provo? Will our highschoolers recognize that blessing as they walk the halls? Will our little ones feel comfort and peace in their daily lives? We pray day and night for our dear family. We regularly keep their names on the prayer roll and then, add a few as needed.       We are truly blessed to be here at the London Temple. We know it is an opportunity for growth in our personal lives. We are each learning small things about ourselves that we never would have learned had we stayed home. The Lord has been very kind to us. We often feel His love.  Our lives are good here at the London Temple but, can I say that Arizona is truly our Home? 

My Love and..... See you Anon, (Later......your English Word for the Week)
Sister Seaman.....Mom and Grandma

*fresh - When you ask the English how the weather is outside and they say "fresh", it is COLD.
*"Fred's Dead" - Your slip is showing
*"Your ducks are flying low" - Your zipper is down

The Schedule

We are seriously wondering what to say on this blog every week now.  Our schedule is the same every week.  We work with the same lovely English people every week, with the same periodics (people who work part time) coming and going.  We walk up the steps to the front door of the temple and then we walk down the steps every day, 5 days a week.  I don't know what to say that would be of interest, even to me.
     I have decided that Temple Missions are for the visionary, very spiritual, detail oriented people of the world.  We do the same thing every day, some times hundreds of times.  I realize that we are helping a lot of people but you can't see them.  Every now and then you may get a feeling that what your are doing really matters to somebody, but that is few and far between.  So some days, when it is dark and dreary, raining and cold, it is not hard to think about going home.  We are used to it by now but it does not get easier.
     We look forward to a good trip somewhere on P-day, but this week we stayed home as the trip was to a big shopping mall.  So, no stories.  Even the driving is getting to a point that needs no discussion.
     Pray for a good story next week.

Elder Seaman