The London Temple in its Heyday
February 19, 2018
A sister waiting to do some work this week in the temple told me s story. Many years ago her and her husband were called to be "Team Leaders" to work one Friday night a month. Now, Friday night means ALL Friday night. They drove several hours from their home and took over from the Late shift at 9:00 pm. They worked through the night running the temple for patrons. She tells of busloads of Saints who would pull in at 2:00 in the morning from Portugal or Spain or......anywhere on the western side of Europe. These faithful people would climb off the bus and do temple work until the temple closed on Saturday evening.
As for these British Saints who were called to man the temple, their shift would end at 6:00 AM on Saturday morning. They then make their way home after a long night. She tells of a time when her husband could not make the trip so she was responsible for driving her and an old man from their ward. Brother Hatt was 92 and had false teeth. He was sleeping in the back seat of her car. Driving down the freeway, she almost ran into a big lorry (truck). She swerved all over the road before ending up safely on the side.
After returning home and taking a long nap, she went out to clean her car. She found a pair of false teeth on the floor in the back. She called Brother Hatt and asked if he was missing something. There was nothing he could think of. After further quizzing the old brother, she asked about his teeth. "Oh those things. I only wear them on Sunday and when I go to the temple." She did return them before Sunday School the next day. Now, isn't this just a cute story than anyone can sink their teeth into?
All is well at the London Temple,
Sister Seaman.....aka Mom and Grams
When a day is a "Monkey's Birthday", that means there is a bit of every season in the weather - rain, wind, snow, clouds, sun. I feel like we've had lots of Monkeys Birthdays since we landed over here.
The Sentinel
There is a large black crow that lives around here somewhere. I have named him "The Sentinel." Every morning, almost always before sun-up, and mostly through-out the day, he is sitting on the very highest branch of the very tallest tree in our backyard. He is often looking to the south and this is in wind and rain and sunshine. He appears to be watching for something. I can not imagine what, but whatever it is, it must be important. There is something about the way he sits and watches, that appears to be like a watchman on the tower. I know that he watching for something, you can see it.
It makes me think of times, thousands of years ago, probably near this place in England, where I am writing this blog, that there was a Sentinel on a Roman tower or a Druid Tower or Celtic's tower or somebody's tower, watching for the enemy and shouting out a warning upon their approach. It gave people some time to prepare for attack. The Sentinel's duty is to warn. He duty is sacred. He cannot make a mistake. He must be ever vigilant. No matter the weather, time of day or any other distraction. People's lives depend on him. For the most part, this would be a very boring duty, hour after hour of nothing to report, but when it comes he must be ready.
It reminds me of the admonition in the Book of Mormon of how we all need to be watchman on the tower and warn our neighbors of impending danger. Or the Prophet, shouting out a warning to us. Or maybe even a father or grandfather or great-grandfather, shouting out a warning to his family. Can I shout out a warning to you? The enemy is at the gate. He is strong, dangerous and very deadly. Now is not the time to stray from the safety of the church. I don't care what else you do, but keep your eye fixed on the prophet of the church and do exactly what he asks you to do. To second guess him or ignore him is sure death. Listen for the warning, don't get distracted and there is plenty to distract you. Do the things that we know that we should be doing. Prayers, home evenings, service, sacrament meeting attendance, temple attendance and activities to keep your family close. If you do these things, and others that will be ask of you, you and your family can be safe.
The Sentinel sitting high up in the tree can see the danger coming. Listen for his warning.
Elder Seaman
I can picture your Sentinel, Dad. Seems like a cold, lonely job but noble. It is a good reminder.
ReplyDeleteMom-That story is kinda gross. Those teeth must get slobbery. ew. But Man I am thankful we don't have to go to the temple at 2am. But maybe we would appreciate it more?