Tuesday, February 6, 2018


February 4, 2018

   Contrary to my own opinion, I realize the Gospel is not truer or the people finer in Arizona. But man, I love that place. It is Home. The sunsets, the mountains, the deserts, the Sunshine......the changing seasons in the mountains, the people.
   Sister Cooper came through Initiatory this week. I could tell by her accent that she was American. I later asked her and she said she was, but now lived in Ireland. She married an Irish man this past year, but they will be going back to America in the next two or three years. I asked her why. "The sunshine is calling me".  Oh, I know what she meant! It turns out that she is from Flagstaff and Les (Mike's brother) was her dentist. She tells me that Ireland is green and beautiful, but there is a price for all that green and beautiful - it rains and rains and is dark. I have thought so much about that. Isn't Heavenly Father so kind to all of us? We all learn to adapt to our surroundings, whatever they may be. The Irish don't miss the sun as much as an AZ girl does - they aren't used to seeing it almost everyday. 
    The day after meeting Sister Cooper, two bouncy young girls came in together and asked me where the dressing room was. I told them and then asked if they were American. "Oh yes, we are. We are both from Arizona". One was from Gilbert and one from Tucson. One young sister told me that she had just visited the Snowflake Temple before she came over here two weeks ago. Well, she instantly became a celebrity in my eyes. When I look at young girls like these two and Sister Cooper, my mind goes to my granddaughters. I can't help but kiss them on the cheek.
     My heart is at Home in AZ this week. Our dear Dan, Kirsten's husband, will be giving a kidney to his friend.  We have faith that all will be well. We were told in our blessing before we left that angels would attend our family. I am so visual. What does that look like? How will our loved ones feel and know that blessing in their daily lives?  Will our Kortney feel comfort as she carries a new baby? Will Kenz feel it living on her own in Provo? Will our highschoolers recognize that blessing as they walk the halls? Will our little ones feel comfort and peace in their daily lives? We pray day and night for our dear family. We regularly keep their names on the prayer roll and then, add a few as needed.       We are truly blessed to be here at the London Temple. We know it is an opportunity for growth in our personal lives. We are each learning small things about ourselves that we never would have learned had we stayed home. The Lord has been very kind to us. We often feel His love.  Our lives are good here at the London Temple but, can I say that Arizona is truly our Home? 

My Love and..... See you Anon, (Later......your English Word for the Week)
Sister Seaman.....Mom and Grandma

*fresh - When you ask the English how the weather is outside and they say "fresh", it is COLD.
*"Fred's Dead" - Your slip is showing
*"Your ducks are flying low" - Your zipper is down

The Schedule

We are seriously wondering what to say on this blog every week now.  Our schedule is the same every week.  We work with the same lovely English people every week, with the same periodics (people who work part time) coming and going.  We walk up the steps to the front door of the temple and then we walk down the steps every day, 5 days a week.  I don't know what to say that would be of interest, even to me.
     I have decided that Temple Missions are for the visionary, very spiritual, detail oriented people of the world.  We do the same thing every day, some times hundreds of times.  I realize that we are helping a lot of people but you can't see them.  Every now and then you may get a feeling that what your are doing really matters to somebody, but that is few and far between.  So some days, when it is dark and dreary, raining and cold, it is not hard to think about going home.  We are used to it by now but it does not get easier.
     We look forward to a good trip somewhere on P-day, but this week we stayed home as the trip was to a big shopping mall.  So, no stories.  Even the driving is getting to a point that needs no discussion.
     Pray for a good story next week.

Elder Seaman

1 comment:

  1. Jordy and I were talking about this last night. We have hit a stage where we don't expect much to change. We can see why people go through mid-life crises. I have decided that this is the part about enduring. Monotony is rough. It is for me. And it's gotta be for you, because you raised me. You guys always love a good change. So this week I am going to continue to pray that you will see the sun once in a while and that you find something to look forward to. That's also what Jordy and I decided, that we need to find things to look forward to. Here's to a happy exciting week. I love you both for your patience in the Lord and enduring the boring spells of life.
